Free Sources of Traffic
Answer questions on Quora that are related to your website niche.
Spend some of your time each day answering some questions on Quora.
Quora it's a website where anyone can ask questions on different niches, and other users give their answers.
Quora can be a major source of traffic for your website.
Don't spam, because you will be blocked. Instead, you can include your website in your answers if is relevant to the question, and also on your profile description.
If you are a beginner on Quora, don't post your website link on a post because you will probably get banned. Instead, build a good reputation first, then start posting your link.
You can answer questions for one month to build a reputation on Quora, and after that, you can start posting your website link.
Make your profile on Quora look professional.
Try to give value to the people's questions with your answers, because in this way you will increase the views of your profile, and it will help you to build a good reputation as well, which will lead to more traffic.
Don't add your affiliate links anywhere on Quora, because it's not allowed you will be blocked. If you are promoting affiliate links, you can add them to your website/blog and you can send traffic from Quora there.
Pinterest it's another good source of traffic for your website.
Some tips I can give are to claim your website and make your profile look professional (profile description, profile photo, cover, etc.).
Choose a good quality picture for each pin you create, include keywords in each pin text (title, description, alt text), and add a good quality picture.
Organize your content nicely with boards and pins.
Pinterest allows you to add affiliate links, as well as your website link, which will direct users to your website or a blog post, etc.
One good thing about Pinterest is that users can find a pin you added a long time ago. For instance, you can add a pin with an affiliate link and someone can see it a long time later.
Forums can be a good source of traffic, especially if you want to send targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing blog/website.
Check this forums list.